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  • Ryan J. Williams

How to stay mentally fit during COVID-19

Hope you are staying safe and well. We are dealing with a lot right now. It's now more important than ever to stay well-balanced, mentally fit, and connected. To help you, I've compiled a weekly list of mental wellness books, videos, and meditations. Do you have any links to share? Reach-out at

You can read last week's UNSTUCK Weekly online, by clicking here. Please share it with 3 three friends if you like what you read.

I wrote a marketing book,The Influencer Economy, to help people create what they love. It's a 3-step framework to help you launch, collaborate, and thrive in the new economy. You can read it for FREE,by clicking here. Who doesn't like free stuff? I also spoke at Google on The Influencer Economy. You can watch my Google @AuthorTalk, if reading right now isn't your thing.

Streaming and Reading

Making it RAIN with Tara Brach

Renowned meditation teacher Tara Brach's new book,Radical Compassion unlocks a new RAIN framework to deal with anxiety/stresses. Always a fan of acronyms here, RAIN stands for: Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture. It's simple way to help people get out of their "transe" to help bring "presence" to our lives. You can read the first chapter of for free and judge for yourself. She argues that most of us are in "transe," and "caught or possessed by emotions." Thus we lose awareness that we are living in reality. She wants use all to focus on the common idea of presence, being wakeful, lucid, and aware. Guess what? We're down for that. She does regularYouTube livesteams with free talks and meditations. 

Easy to Find Yoga on YouTube

If you search yoga in YouTube, nearly all the results come up the same.Yoga with Adriene dominates in YouTube with over 7 million subscribers. When you have 20 minutes and need to exercise during COVID-19, her videos are still there. Whether doing yoga in your bedroom, garage, or even outside, her yoga is simple, easy, and there are lots of archives. It's built for beginners and pros alike. Now that we can't go to studios anymore, you can do 30-45 minute classes on her playlist.

Buzzwords Explained

WTF is a Fight or Flight Response?

We've been trying to explain fight or flight to friends, and decided to dig deeper into the meaning.The Cleveland Clinic defines a fight-or-flight response as "a stress response, triggered by a release of hormones either prompting us to stay and fight or run away and flee." Harvard Medical says it's an evolved mammal-based survival mechanism to help us survive life-threatening situations. Before modern times, if we are in the jungle and spotted a lion, fight or flight would take over. After spotting the lion, our hormones change, and physiologically respond to help us "fight the thread off" or "flee to safety." 

However, now in the modern era, our body can overreact to stressors that are "not life-threatening." In other words, we tweak out over small stuff. "Work, bills, kids, your marriage, finances and healthcare some of the biggest non-life threatening stressors. Next thing you know, these problems can contribute to chronic stress. How do you define it? Is there anything that we missed?

The UNF*CKED podcast and YouTube channel are coming soon. I rebranded my free podcast to focus 80% on mental wellness, and 20% on business. My old Influencer Economy podcast featured around 20% of the shows on mental wellness, so it's a switch. We want these wellness to become more cool (whatever that means to you), so more people love themselves. You can listen to the trailer iTunes,YouTube, & Spotify. I also have old episodes still up with the TODAY Show's Willie Geist, business author Seth Godin, and epic TED Talker Celeste Headlee. Subscribe to UNF*CKED:A podcast for people asking WTF wellness is, and looking for answers to live better. 

Be well and stay home!


PS.. - To raise your vibration: Tell a friend to signup for the UNSTUCK Weekly

P.P.S. - Check-out the UNSTUCK merch store. You cangeta hat, t-shirt or sticker to send us some love. The Dodger blue UNSTUCK Los Angeles shirts are brand new. UNSTUCK's goal is to bring wellness to everyone. 

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